Browse registries
- AMS Transport Service
- Bundle Protocol Compressed Bundle Header Encoding Node Numbers
- Bundle Protocol Compressed Bundle Header Encoding Service Numbers
- CCSDS Glossary
- CCSDS Navigation Standards Registries
- Atmosphere Models
- Attitude and Spacecraft Conventions
- Celestial Body Reference Frames
- Conjunction Data Message/Space Object CATALOG_NAME
- Gravity Models
- Navigation Data Messages XML Schema
- Object Types
- Operational Status
- Orbit Averaging
- Orbit Categories
- Orbit Centers
- Orbit-Relative Reference Frames
- Orbital Covariance Matrix Types
- Orbital Elements
- Pointing Request Message
- Spacecraft Body Reference Frames
- Time Systems
- CSS OID Subtree
- Contact Affiliations
- Contacts
- Data Archive Ingest XML
- Functional Resources
- Licklider Transmission Protocol Client Service Identifiers
- Licklider Transmission Protocol Engine Identifiers
- Mission Operations Service XML
- Organizations
- Roles
- SCPS-TP Extended Capability Binding Space Identifiers
- Service Management XML Schemas
- Service Sites and Apertures
- Space Link Identifiers Registries
- CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP) Entity Identifier
- CLCW Version Number
- Extended Protocol Identifier for Encapsulation Packet Protocol
- Frame Secondary Header Version Number
- Internet Protocol Extension Header
- Multiplexer Access Point Identifier (MAP ID)
- Packet Version Number
- Protocol Identifier for Encapsulation Packet Protocol
- Proximity-1 Port Identifier
- SCPS-NP Domain Identifier (D-ID)
- SCPS-NP End System Identifier (ES-ID)
- SCPS-NP Path Identifier (P-ID)
- SCPS-NP Transport Protocol Identifier (TP-ID)
- SCPS-TP Connection Identifier
- Space Packet Protocol Application Process Identifier(APID)
- Spacecraft Identifier
- Transfer Frame Version Number (TFVN)
- Virtual Channel Identifier (VCID)
- Association Kinds
- CCSDS Areas
- CCSDS URN Namespace
- Checksum Identifiers
- Communications Planning Information Association Kinds
- DDOR 2014 Radio Source Catalog
- Event Types
- Functional Resource Model XML Schemas
- MAL Encoding Ids
- MAL Space Packet Transport Binding Version Number
- MAL TCP/IP Transport Binding Version Number
- MAL Transport Binding URI Scheme Name
- MAL ZMTP Transport Binding Version Number
- Mission Planning and Scheduling File Formats XML Schemas
- RFID TAG-Encoding Object-ID
- RFID Tag-Encoding Database-ID
- References
- Service Management Entity (Message) Types
- Space Packet Protocol Secondary Header Format Document
- Spacecraft
- Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services Electronic Data Sheets and Dictionary of Terms
- TGFT Package Types
- USLP Protocol Identifier (UPID)
- XML Telemetric and Command Exchange(XTCE) NASA Government Satellite(GovSat) Tailoring Guide
- XML Telemetric and Command Exchange(XTCE) Tailoring Guide
- Browse OID Tree
- Spacecraft and spacecraft id management
- Discover the REST API
- Search registries:
How To
To browse most of SANA registries, an account is not required. An account is required for some registries (SS&A, others), please go to the "Login" page and follow the instructions to “Create a SANA Account”.
To request new registries, see the related instructions.
For any other question, contact